Um objetivo sem um plano é apenas um desejo.Concretize-o com a QSP!
Created in 2004, QSP – Marketing Management & Research operates in the area of Strategic Marketing, Branding and Consumption Consulting through studies and market research that guarantee a better performance of companies, their brands and their products and services.
With the latest and most innovative methodologies, QSP presents solutions to the market based on rigorous analysis and with the aid of techniques that offer creative and effective strategies. The constant search for solutions suited to the needs of its Customers to ensure the best orientation in their marketing decisions and the effective creation of value is the main focus.
QSP holds annually the most outstanding Management and Marketing event in Europe – QSP SUMMIT. QSP’s service portfolio is oriented towards the implementation of strategies that maximize the profitability of different business projects, adapted to each sectorial reality and each market, both nationally and internationally.