Mystery Shopping


The Mystery Shopping is a method of evaluation the performance and quality of service provided by teams and points of sale.

This qualitative technique allows quantifying some information, since the “mystery shoppers” will have to fill out an evaluation grid with a set of predefined parameterizations.

The Mystery Shopping projects takes six stages:

1. Collection of objectives and other elements necessary for the continuation of the project;
2. Preparation of an evaluation grid where will be parameterized the investigation;
3. Team training using previously prepared toolkit;
4. Fieldwork – mystery shopping;
5. Data codification into computer according to predefined structure;
6. Final Report.

All these steps require close cooperation between customer and QSP. The researches based on Mystery Shopping, although they can be used in different situations, usually aim to know the degree of consumer satisfaction visiting the store, how are company patterns applied at the store (exhibitors, employer approach , cleaning, housekeeping, etc.), and what consumers think about the overall quality of products and services offered by the company, among others.

Although the projects of Mystery Shopping are usually directly at point of sale, they can also occur in other environments like telephone calls.