
Digitrends® is a market research with the main goal of understanding how brands are using the WEB channels and what these tools and technologies represent in their marketing budgets in general. Digitrends is an annual quantitative survey, covering the main areas of digital marketing used by brands: websites, social networking, mobile marketing, email marketing and e-commerce.
This study provides a representative “picture” of those brands with biggest advertising investments, which represent about 70% of total advertising spending in Portugal, are using digital marketing strategies within their overall marketing and communications, allowing an analysis of trends in this specific area.
Methodology: The study is based on the response of major Portuguese advertisers through online inquires with telephone follow-up. Survey answered for those responsible in company for the investments in marketing and communications or someone authorized to, using closed questions in order to describe information without subjectivity.
. Multichannel study in digital areas;
. It helps companies in the use of digital tools and channels to improve their services;
. Study based by inquiring the biggest Portuguese advertisers;
. Analysis of trends in the digital space;
. Competitive price: multi-client study that allows low prices than ad-hoc research.